Thursday, June 18, 2009

becoming jane

So lately I have been ignored. Ryan if you are reading this start feeling bad... NOW.. no NOW.. ok... NOW! haha ok not really. Only once and its meant to be a funny story but being ignored is never funny and you shouldnt tell people ignoring them was funny either. Ryan I hope you are taking notes. :) This doesnt really have anything to do with this post it is just the conversation I am having at the moment. Its funny. Laugh.
Anyway so I played reception chick again today for the last time. I am SO not gonna miss being bored for five hours! Within these five hours today I was reading blogs and decided to go back and read old ones. I was on Michelles blog and got to her post and the "wreck this journal" and it reminded me...
Once upon a time in a far away place called michigan lived a very "best good friend". (I looove you, Forrest.) He has always been jealous of my amazing journaling skills. (The fact and I journal and he doesnt) Well very "best good friend" and I were to be reunited in the lovely land of horses for the birth of our little brother, ninja. (Really Ninja just was really good at timing his birth a couple of days before Ryan and I came home for Thanksgiving.) A couple of weeks before this.. the maiden across the hall found this AMAZING source of destruction. In book form. (Michelle. She worked across the hall. Wreck This Journal.) I decided I was going to help "best good friend" through the "horrible" journey of journal writing by giving him baby steps. (I figured start this male off with some destruction was the way to go before springing the actually idea. Ya know. Make him happy first. ;) I gave him a bundle of destruction (Wreck This Journal) and JOY (an actual journal) and sent him on his merry way..... THE END.
Yeah. You read this right. I never asked how either went or is going. Yeah. Another example of how Im a bad friend. Maybe I should talk to him more.. Na. Sorry love. :) Mason (another friend) said once (and he was so right) after I moved away. "Remember how you once said you cant have a long distance relationship because you are so "out of sight, out of mind"?.. Well your right! Only it applies to everyone. EMAIL ME!" haha yeah sorry Ry, Mason, and others.
(and Im gonna stop moving so I dont have to keep up with so many people in so many different places!:)


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